

environmental challenge of megacities

The Kanto Plain, Tokyo is one of three large cities, the other two is Yokohama and Kawasaki, located along the northwestern shore of Tokyo Bay. Tokyo also intersected by the Sumida River , that has an extensive network of canals.

Land reclamation project = Tokyo's available surface area by filling in the bay + providing room for waste disposal, additional port facilities, and new residential areas.

Pollution of the environment = public offense. While the national government is often slow to address environmental issues,growing public pressure has led to legislation requiring industrial polluters to rectify any environmental damage for which they are responsible. regardless of widespread use of bicycles and public transportation, automobile exhaust is a problem in Tokyo. The imposition of emission standards has lately eliminated some of the smog that has plagued the city.

week 10 indegenous people

Bruno manser was born on 25th of august 1954 in basel, switzerland. during his lifetime, Bruno Manser, one of the founders of the bruno Manser fund and its president for many year, was the best known Swiss activist campaigning for the protection of the rainforests and the respect for human rights. He has been missing since his last journey to the Rainforest of Sarawak.
In the jungle of the Malaysian state of sarawak, on the island of borneo, near the Indonesian border of Kalimantan, Manser created richly illustrated notebooks during his stay in 1984 to 1990 with the penan people. He stayed with the nomadic bad of along sega, who become the penan figurehead for their struggle. He also visited many other settled penan communities in the upper Baram district. These book later published, with some succes. Having spent much of the 1970s educating himself in atunning array of practical handcrafts, Manser took himself off in 1984 to find a way of life in which he could use his skills for greater benefit.



The pipa is a four-stringed Chinese instruments.Sometimes called the Chinese lute,has a pear-shaped wooden body with a varying number of frets ranging from 12–26. The pipa started in the Qin Dynasty and developed by the Han Dynasty. It is one of the most popular Chinese instruments and has been played for nearly two thousand years in China.

Since the revolutions in Chinese instrument making during the 20th century, the softer twisted silk strings of earlier times have been exchanged for nylon-wound steel strings, which are far too strong for human fingernails, so false nails are now used, constructed of plastic or tortoise-shell, and affixed to the fingertips with the player's choice of elastic tape.

Electric pipa
was developed in the late 20th century by adding electric guitar-style magnetic pickups to a regular acoustic pipa, allowing the instrument to be amplified through an instrument amplified or PA system.



media refers to ..

In comunication,
Electronic media-communications delivered via electronic or electromechanical energy.Example of electronic media are newspaper,radio,television,internet and etc.

New media, media that can only be created or used with the aid of modern computer processing power

Recording media, devices used to store information.

In computing,

Computer data storage devices, material objects which hold data used in computers.

Media player (application software), a piece of software designed to play audio and video.

In life science,

Growth media,objects in which microorganisms or cells can experience growth.

Media filter, a filter consisting of several different filter materials.

Tunica media, the middle layer of the wall of a blood vessel.


gender discrimination

#more than 15 millions childrens that is actually should be at primary school cannot attend to school.For every 100 boys and 115 girls can't attend to school.

#for every 1 minutes,one woman will die because of pregnant problems,which is increase to a more than half million women that has already pass away around the world.99 % mother was die occur in develop country,which is 90% of them in continent africa and asean.


Tip on effective communication

Communication is a learned skill.Speaking,listening to our ability to understand verbal and nonverbal meanings are skills we develop in various way.In daily life,communication breakdown often causes misunderstanding and misconception among people.Effective communication better within peer group and between close friends.

Message,not messenger

Sometimes we tend to have a preconceived opinion about someone before we truly understand te messages.We are quite unlikely to listen to his message with full attention beside we often judge our messenger by his appropriate manner.We should be remind ourselves that message,and not messenger,is the reason for communication.

Listen first,evaluate later

We should all try to understand the messenger`s view point before evaluating his point of view.Do
not prompt into judment,decision and conclusion when we are not sure about what has been said.

Mutual trust and respect

Two persons who communicate with mutual trust and respect will find themselves less defensive
about own ideas.Messages are fully understood because the messengers are almost equally
sincere in exchanging ideas.


youth subculture

Emo is a style of rock music typically characterized by melodic musicianship. Emo including by music of pop,punk,havy metal and other.Emo also can describe related as fashion,behavior, and culture.

wearing skinny jeans

bright colors, and tight t-shirts

straightened and dyed black. Bright colors, such as blue, pink, red, or bleached blond, are also typical as highlights in emo hairstyles.


emotional, sensitive, shy and introverted.It has also been associated with depression, self-injury, and suicide.