
week 10 indegenous people

Bruno manser was born on 25th of august 1954 in basel, switzerland. during his lifetime, Bruno Manser, one of the founders of the bruno Manser fund and its president for many year, was the best known Swiss activist campaigning for the protection of the rainforests and the respect for human rights. He has been missing since his last journey to the Rainforest of Sarawak.
In the jungle of the Malaysian state of sarawak, on the island of borneo, near the Indonesian border of Kalimantan, Manser created richly illustrated notebooks during his stay in 1984 to 1990 with the penan people. He stayed with the nomadic bad of along sega, who become the penan figurehead for their struggle. He also visited many other settled penan communities in the upper Baram district. These book later published, with some succes. Having spent much of the 1970s educating himself in atunning array of practical handcrafts, Manser took himself off in 1984 to find a way of life in which he could use his skills for greater benefit.

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