gender discrimination
Tip on effective communication

youth subculture
wearing skinny jeans
bright colors, and tight t-shirts
straightened and dyed black. Bright colors, such as blue, pink, red, or bleached blond, are also typical as highlights in emo hairstyles.
emotional, sensitive, shy and introverted.It has also been associated with depression, self-injury, and suicide.
Demographics of Malaysia

Muslim 60.4%, Buddhist 19.2%, Christian 9.1%, Hindu 6.3%, Confucianism, Taoism, other traditional Chinese religions 2.6%, other or unknown 1.5%, none 0.8% (2000 census)

Islam in Malaysia

About 60 percent of the total population are Muslims in Malaysia and most of the followers of Islam are Malays. Commonly cited estimates of the Muslim population in 2007 range from 1.3 billion to 1.8 billion.
Islam is a religion of faith. Muslims believe in the sovereignty and supremacy of Allah. To be a genuine Muslim is to submit absolutely to the word of Allah.
Buddhism is the second largest religion in Malaysia, after Islam, with 19.2% of Malaysia's population being Buddhist. Buddhism in Malaysia is mainly practised by the ethnic Chinese Malaysians.Buddhism was introduced to the Malays and also to the people of the Malay Archipelago as early as 200 BCE.
Hinduism in Malaysia
Hinduism is mainly practiced by the Indian population residing in the country. Around 9% of the population of Malaysia are Tamil Indians, of whom nearly 90 percent are practising Hindus.
Christianity in Malaysia
Christianity in Malaysia is a minority religion practise by 9% of the population (2000 census), most living in East Malaysia. Early Christian presence in the Malay archipelago may be traced as early as the 7th century.
Sikhism in Malaysia

The Sikh community in Malaysia owes its beginnings in the country to the British connection and in particular with the recruitment of Sikhs for the paramilitary and police units. The first of these units was the Perak Sikhs.The Sikhs believe and worship the one and only God who is formless. Hence, idol worship is denounced by the Sikh scriptures.
Religious solemnisation of the marriage takes place on the wedding eve. Known as the Nikah ceremony rite is required by both the Islamic law and the civic law to legalise a Malay wedding.
The actual wedding days is called the bersanding . This litteraly means the "sitting together of the bride and bridegrooms of the bridal couch". Known as the pelamin (dais), this couch is the centrepiece of the whole ceremony, and two pelamin (dais) are required - one in the bride`s house and the other in the bridegroom`s. Bersanding ceremony customarily takes place in the afternoon, at the agreed time, the bridegroom is escorted in a procession with a hadrah or kompang band (male music group) to his bride`s house. On arrival, he has to pay a 'tax' in the form of money to the girl family`s before he enters each door leading to the pelamin (dais) to take his place besides his bride. The groom then sits with the bride on the 'pelamin' (dais).